
The future of the Long Tail Model in the field of New Media

The Long Tail Forecast

Due to a massive update of services in the new media field, there is a possibility to sell or distribute almost everything with the means of the Internet. What I predict for the future, when we look around the Web space, is that social media like Twitter, Facebook, and other hybrids are going to make a crucial role in passing information to necessary sources. I think that information will be the source of the future long tail model. All possible multimedia solutions may be mixed in order to provide necessary information to a whole lot of people and in this way sell products from books to airplanes (this was a figurative comparison). Right now there are several business strategies that let people see only a part of information and they have to pay for the other part, but the information gets outdated and no one may need it anymore. Lots of companies and individuals nowadays use blogging as spreading information around, as well as vlogging and podcasting. You can spread the word around through witter feeds, facebook updates, myspace updates, you name it.


Today I saw a twitter feed for a site named “Traindom”, which is a solution for starting an online information business. This is exactly what I am thinking about in terms of Long Tail model in the future. Companies start selling their information instead of answering questions of every single person, easier, cheaper, less time consuming. Traindom offers an interactive solution for e-courses instead of e-books, which according to them are obsolete. By that they enable customers to create courses for free and ask for money until the customers start making money. I think this is a clever solution of online Long Tail information model.


In conclusion I think that we cannot predict the far future, because social media is in constant change. I think there will be something totally new and unforeseen. But until now the social media applications are making a huge progress in helping the information flow to the right channels, thus help those channels buy the necessary information or goods they want or need. This will be satisfying for everyone – for those who benefit from it and for those who gain something from it.

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