
First task - write an essay about my experience with new media

When I start thinking of my relations with New Media, my mind goes back to 1997, when our very first PC was bought. I did not have the Internet yet, neither did I know what that meant while I started to compile html-based web pages and becoming interested in strategic PC games.
The next year I entered Tallinn University of Educational Sciences, where my interest evolved with discovering the Internet, and the passion led me to take the second minor in computer sciences. I reckon that this was my first experience with different programs in around 2000, with the help of which I created several interactive things.
Besides having had contact with authorware, created a few flash-based programs or having used silverlight and other such programs, the first real experience, to my mind, was this semester when we created an innovative TVprogram mock-up, where we had to use a really simple programme called quartz composer. The outcome was fabulous and manipulative. In IMKE Master Programme we get in touch with various interactive means, and as elective courses one can improve his or her knowledge in New Media.
In my work I use the existing Web 2.0 technologies which are available for classroom use, like wikis, blogs, games, videos, etc. I think this becomes more and more common in the current classroom use, as generations are changing and newer teachers are coming to class. Education technology has become very useful in school environment, as well. I work as a teacher, but also help other teachers with all kinds of different programs and also computer problems.

 Topic posted in iCampus

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