
Ethics and Law in New Media, week five

Browse the Jargon File. Write a small blog entry about a term/definition which was the most intriguing for you.

I searched for the hacker profile, and found an intriguing post about food. I thought that a hacker prefers only fast food and does not care much about the food quality, but on the contrary the Jargon File notes, that they tend to like exotic food and most of the hackers are health food eaters. It also notes that the stereotypical claim that I previously thought comes from before the early 1980s.
Also Norbert's post was of interest, he stated that 'hacker' has a positive connotation and 'cracker' is used as a negative word.

Write a short blogged analysis about the hacker ethic found in today's world (is it there or not, how much of it etc).

According to the sources I have read, there is hacker ethic in today's world, but it is not sufficient enough to succeed in today's IT world. The key terms for succeeding according to McAllister are teamwork and collaboration in addition to hacker spirit. For that he suggests an education reform would be necessary in order to develop a new kind of computer engineering degree.
It seems that Web 2.0 has put a basis to cooperation and collaboration and open source is what "sells" in the hacker world.

Wikipedia: Hacker Ethic
Steven Mizrach. "Is there a Hacker Ethic for 90's Hackers?"

Neil McAllister. "Does the 'hacker ethic' help or harm today's developers?"

Choose a minority group and describe how they can make use of Internet to reduce alienation and prejudice.

For example a group of young people who are just discovering the world of Internet, and whose parents do not know much about what is going on there. The Internet could help them with useful material (of course this has to be guided by someone, because otherwise it is difficult to find) and help them with the problems that arise in the Internet. These pages contain lots of useful tips and tricks how to survive in the Internet world. 
I think this kind of a situation is soon ending, because generation by generation the people are getting wiser and are able to teach their own kids to navigate in the Web, but right now there remains a group who will be afraid of computers and the Internet.

1 comment:

Teknik Informatika said...

How has the perception of hacker dietary habits evolved over the years, and what insights did you gain from the Jargon File about their food preferences?
In your analysis of the hacker ethic in today's world, what role does teamwork and collaboration play, and how does the education system need to adapt to foster these qualities among computer engineering students?
Regard Telkom University